Member-only story
Happy Birthday to my life partner, and one truelove: Rooster.
I love you, Roo. ❤
When there’s too big a pill to swallow
and I follow darkness til this Chel
seems hollow, he looks for me —
my handsome desperado, selfless
in love and bravado.
When fear’s gripping my throat
and I sputter and choke, unable
to keep afloat, he looks for me —
ready with a lifeboat, his arms a warm
raincoat; lips whispering a joke.
When the world is just too much
and my crutches can’t handle
my desperate clutch, he’s there —
a strong embrace, the softest touch.
When I suspected this life might
be void of (or I was just unworthy of)
connection, kindness and
unconditional love, he found me —
a ruffled gutter dove — this Rooster’s
follow wormwood for periodic weird.