This was fun.
I've been a lurker since Medium started...just lucky enough to stumble on it at the right time and become hopelessly addicted. I've watched so many rise to their own fame.
I'm still bitterly jealous he got to "Honey Copy" first...ugh. The evergreen element and endless classy pun possibilities...sigh.
I bought his first poetry book when it dropped for $30. I had spent a few years reading from all the best entreprenuers, and we had just moved from dirt-cheap-to-get-sales to price-what-you're-worth.
It was a move ballsy enough move to endulge in.
And every other quarter or so, I go back to his portfolio and indulge in his website copy.
However - you sir, are my current favorite Medium writer. By far.
So...this was really fun.
And, for the sake of fun - one of my all-time favorite pieces of writing was this satire on Hemmingway:
And thanks for all your words. <3